What is iXBRL?
A description of the language of regulators.
Last updated
A description of the language of regulators.
Last updated
iXBRL, or Inline XBRL, is an open standard that enables a single document to provide both human-readable and structured, machine-readable data. iXBRL is used by millions of companies around the world to prepare financial statements in a format that provides the structured data that regulators and analysts require, whilst allowing preparers to retain full control over the layout and presentation of their report.
iXBRL takes the HTML standard that is used to power the world’s web pages, and embeds extra “tags” into it that give meaning to the figures and statements in a format that can be understood by a computer.
For more information about iXBRL, please visit https://www.xbrl.org/the-standard/what/ixbrl/